According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs: Mongolian Productivity Organization (MPO) on behalf of the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) organized and held a virtual workshop on innovation for climate-smart livestock production from 19–21 May 2021, for 3 days. The APO is an intergovernmental organization established in 1961 to increase productivity in the Asia-Pacific region through mutual cooperation. The participants were from different countries including Europe, India, Japan, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, China, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Turkey. Dr. Saber Jelokhani-Niaraki, the faculty member of ASRI, participated in this workshop on behalf of Iran and Iranian Productivity Organization. In this workshop, different sessions were held including: “Climate Change Projections for Asia: Challenges to Livestock Economies”, ” Climate-smart Livestock Management in Mongolia: Options and pilot results”, “Simple Innovations for Big Changes: Adopting Climate-friendly Livestock Systems”, “Appropriate Livestock Production Practices under Climate Change”, “Environmental Factors, Disease Cycles, and Regulating Livestock Production” and so on. In the second and third days of this workshop, groups were formed and in each group, different issues of the participating countries were studied and analyzed.
Public Relations and International Affairs Administration of ASRI