The webinars on the draft FAO guidelines on innovations in cryoconservation of animal genetic resources to add these documents to “global plan of action” were held on 11 and 14 May 2021 with the presence of the national consultative committee and national coordinator on animal genetic resources of Iran (Animal Science Research Institute of Iran (ASRI)), National Center for Genetic Resources and Iranian Biological Resource Center and supervisors of member countries, including Iran, with the experts and also the international FAO representatives who prepared different parts of the mentioned drafts, including; Dr. Paul Boettcher, Austria, Michèle Tixier-Boichard, France, Harvey Blackburn, USA, Phil Purdy, USA, Elisabeth Blesbois, France, Janice L. Bailey, Canada, Dr. Paolo Ajmone Marsan, Italy, Dr. Hans Lenstra, Netherlands, Dr. Catarina Ginja, Portugal and also the representatives of other countries. In cryoconservation webinar, the sections of this document such as the gene bank strategies, development and use of genetic resources, cryo-preservation methods, databases and documentation, sanitary issues in storage and transfer of gene materials, and capacity building and training were discussed. Moreover, at the second webinar on genomic characterization, the questions regarding the various aspects of determining the genomic characteristics of animal breeds were addressed. For example, how do the new methods of genome determination replace conventional methods? How to finance these methods in developing countries? How will this process help improve the productivity of indigenous breeds? How can these various methods be implemented at different stages of the standard and become a guideline that can be used by all member countries? Finally, the suggestions of the representatives of member countries on the draft of “Genomic characteristics” animal genetic resources were discussed.
Public Relations and International Affairs Administration of ASRI